Sunday, June 6, 2010

{sneak, sneak peek}

I'm not quite ready to post on the official blog yet - so, I wanted to share just a few here. This is what pulled me away this weekend. I always feel so honored the take these images for couples. And, this weekend was just "dreamy" as TH would say. {wink}

Of course in my foggy haze, I uploaded them backwards.... then, I added a couple.......totally out of order.......

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the red photo booth. It was locked or I would have had them inside in the 100 degree weather. Look at that British emblem on top. I have wished for a photo booth like this for so long. When I saw it, I think I swooned. {sorry, I have been around a many very southern ladies all weekend long.} I saw more pearls in one day than I have seen in my entire life.

This church was truly breathtaking. So old and the details were beyond lovely...

We did this shot just before the ceremony. They couldn't see each other and they whispered their I love you's through the door. So sweet!

Will did a great job with her ring - very femine, very Holly.

Okay, off to bed!


Mom2Three said...

Wow, that is dreamy Shannon! The weddings these days are just so natural and beautiful, nothing compared to back in the day when we seen how big we could get our dresses or how big our hair could be! Ha!

meeksmiles33 said...

LOVE the red photo booth. Oh, and the picture when they could not see each other, just the story with that picture is so sweet!!

Tonia Hobbs said...


Unknown said...

I want to get married again and you come take the pictures. Still to James of course!

Shannon said...

I know, I want a redo of the I do's but with the same dude. ha!