Wednesday, June 9, 2010

{thelma and louise}

That's what Scott called us every time we talked to him! And, you know how I vowed to take tons of pictures. Well, I did - just not of us. I CANNOT use little cameras to save my life. This was a retake in my driveway. It's the only one we got that is not so blurred you can tell it is us. Pitiful!
Love her!
The little town square. You can see the little cafe we ate at for 3 of our 3 meals - the Silver Caboose. Noah would have loved it! It was very good and very southern. Angela appeased me the last day as I had been dying for her choice the first night we arrived.....a cream cheese and olive sandwich. Very yummy!! I would have never thought of it myself, but it seems to be very easy to make.
As pretty as she is - I was actually taking a picture of that piece of furniture. How cute is that?

This is a problem for me. I blame my Aunt J as she does the exact same thing. I found these cute shirts - ruffles, ruffles and ruffles upstairs at a cute shop. The price was very good and I loved, I got two! The problem, I needed two smalls. I thought I got two smalls. And, somehow ended up with a small and a medium. Room to grow?

My closet looks like Madie B's right now.

And, this was my favorite find.......a bunny! I just wish I had got two of him. TH, you can name him for me. ;) Just let me know what you come up with.

Ang and I had a great time. It was so nice to get away and always better to return home. We both missed our babies and hubbies. It really doesn't matter where we (Ang and I) are at's just being together that matters the most. God has definitely blessed me with incredible friends who mean the world to me!

ps. here is a funny that we both laughed so hard over. At the reception, an older man walked up to me and told me that he hoped this wasn't inappropriate, but he thought I had the prettiest eyes ever. Then he went on to tell me what a great job I was doing etc. Later that night I was telling Angela about it and she started laughing. The same man had gone up to her later and told her what captivating eyes she had. ha! We are not sure if he told all 103 ladies in the room the same thing, was totally confused and thought we were the same person, or intended to tell us both? Too much to drink maybe?


Mom2Three said...

You two girls are beautiful and you could be sisters!! I am sure you have heard that before, but seriously, sisters??? Glad you had such a great time, you deserve it!!!

Tonia Hobbs said...

Love the shirt! Those stores!!!! Oh my word! They look heavenly! I am thinking of just the name for the sweet bunny. . . mmmmm, I will let you know! I cant believe I get the honor of naming him!