Tuesday, June 1, 2010

{forced hiatus}

I have a lot to blog about, but considering I had no computer this weekend, I'm a tad behind. On the positive, because of having no computer this weekend, a lot of things that had been forced to be put on hold for months got taken care of (aka THE HOUSE!) Of course, it is still not back in order completely, but I got several needed things tackled.

And, to the computer. Total heart failure. I had everything including my programs backed up on multiple external drives thank goodness, but, I have a wedding this weekend in Memphis with a bridal portrait that has yet to be chosen by the bride. Thus it is not ordered. So, I was wondering whose house I would have to crash in order to borrow a computer! However, in one last attempt this morning before taking it in - we started from scratch {again} replugging cables, rebooting multiple times....but, something Scott did to it this morning initiated a system upgrade of some sort and once that download was complete......wah-la, I'm back! My heart is beating in regular rhythm again.

Now, to tackle this list. That is on my {clean} desk. :)

And, today is the first day of my scaled-back schedule! woo-hoo!

1 comment:

Tonia Hobbs said...

So good to hear from you! I hope you have a wondeful day!