Thursday, June 17, 2010

{hmmm....that wasn't so bad}

Any of you who know me well know of the dreaded billing day.

It's agony for me and those around me.

At the law firm we submit billing to the clients twice a month. It has to be perfect. Every minute has to be accounted for accurately. Each client has a different preference.

It causes me to be grumpy, miss a lot of fun things like lunch with my girls, miss a lot of fun things like talk on the phone, play with my boys, shower, eat, breath.

You get the point. And, I'm not exaggerating much there.

This morning was the first day I submitted back as a contract nurse.

Since I didn't work much.

I didn't have much to submit.

It was WoNDerFuL!!!!

My check won't be, but, that's fine!

Remember, I have a stockpile. Who needs funds?? I just don't think we'll be eating laundry detergent and calgon. ha!

Let me live in an oblivion just for today. I'll worry about the other later.

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