Friday, May 14, 2010


That cute little vintage trike that I loved so dearly. That E loved even more. Well, after he ran it into the SUV last night I guess he decided to leave it behind the Land Cruiser. This morning when I threw it in reverse, I knew immediately what I had hit. For a few seconds I was so sad as it was a gift to Noah from my mom when he was little. But, then I was quickly thankful that no one was on it. E is still asleep. He will be shedding some big tears when he wakes up.
But, the tricycle can be replaced. So, I will hug him up and just love on him. A very teachable moment is coming his way..........
Addendum: he took the news very well. He pondered for a while and said "well, I need to move up to a bike anyway. Besides EW is already riding a bike. E (aka Speck) already knows how, but he's not that interested."
Everything revolves around EW these days. :)

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