Saturday, May 15, 2010


E (and, N, when you played) I hope you know HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU when it comes to t-ball. I do like it and totally enjoy watching the boys play. It's crazy mornings like this one that make me want to pull out my hair. And, truly - no offense toward anyone, it's just crazy ball.

* received a text yesterday afternoon that today's game had been moved to 9 am. I wasn't even aware we had a make-up game this morning, let alone it had previously been scheduled for another time.
* you read my attempt to get us there this morning after we chased too many cows to count and 10 minutes away received the text that it had been moved to 11 "for now." I guess that for now was not what I thought it was - I thought it meant it could possibly be moved back, cancelled, etc. It never once crossed my mind that it could be moved to an earlier spot?
* 10 am - go out to car to load up and look at my phone that I left in the car, had received another test at 9:18 am that game had been moved to 10 am. Big oops! I start getting heart palpitations, dizzy, etc - texted the coach, texted a friend, called the coaches wife - found out the game had been forfeited as there were not enough players. I felt terrible. She was very sweet. Then found out the game had been moved to 10:30 - by now it is 10:06 - still not enough time to make it.
* 10:12ish - talk to MW - they were on the field praying. The game was about to start. With 9 players.

I feel terrible! Evan is still in his uniform as I haven't had the heart to tell him just yet. Going to take some Motrin first.

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