Monday, January 3, 2011

{2011: a fresh start}

I absolutely adore a new calendar. All fresh and new, love it! And, finding one that works for me is usually no small feat. It is day 3 of 2011 and I am on calendar #3. I'm going to ignore the little fact that my new calendar is already a tad cluttered. When I look at the outside, I pretend the inside is nice and new as well. ha!
But, it is clutter with a purpose, so that should count for something, right? I have intentionally marked out every Sunday and Wednesday evening for church and Bible study. Marked them off with BIG PURPLE X's. Very gaudy, but effective.
And, despite the fact my photography calendar doesn't open until January 10th, many months are already completely booked due to bridals and engagements for said weddings. It's okay. I am taking this "down time" to really pray about pacing myself better. I have alot to pray about over the next 7 days.
I'll be back later to post my year-end entry. I just wanted you {particularly Aunt J} to know that I'm alive and kickin' again.

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