Wednesday, August 4, 2010

{notes to self}

*I am finally exhaling. And it feels REALLY, REALLY great.
*I had my perspective shifted in a mighty way a few days ago. And, it needed to be. I was feeling really sorry for myself with the whole K thing, turning 6, school split, etc. Then I received an invitation that made me refocus in the way I needed to. much as I will miss them, I am thankful we even get to celebrate a new school year. And, celebrate we will do! :) No more pity parties. They are no fun anyway!
*I finished my last session for August last night {and they were both make-ups - I just have one newborn coming} - so I want to do a whole lot of nothing. SC helped me with that in her recent blog post. I had looked at my calendar to see what else we could squeeze in before the school year started. Then I began erasing because the nothing idea sounds better than perfect. So, we will celebrate a birthday (birthdays and a 17th anniversary!), make a road trip to OKC and pretty much have as many lazy days as we can cram in between now and the 19th. Starting today. :)
*As I mowed the yard this morning, I cried. I am just really, really thankful for my friends. I have been blessed in a huge way.
*We will see Dr. Nick tomorrow. Poor guy. I think Molly has cataracts. Would it shock anyone if my dog ended up needing a seeing eye dog? I think we are hoping for whatever is wrong is affecting her cornea and not the lens. Seriously?
*I am off to see what kinds of nothingness I can get myself involved in today.



Unknown said...

I had to laugh out loud at the seeing eye dog for Molly, that is too much! Have a great day!

Tonia Hobbs said...

Hope to have a great day, too!