Friday, December 24, 2010

{magic reindeer food}

The magical reindeer food was made and scattered.
Note: open eyes versus closed eyes.
I warned both of them not to get the glitter in their eyes due to the pain and discomfort that would follow. I'm not certain Noah ever opened his. I'm not certain Evan ever closed his. Thankfully, we were without incident. We used the recipe that called for maple and brown sugar oatmeal, gold glitter and chucks of carrots. We've watched Norad. Said our goodbyes to Elmer {guess who sobbed}. Received and read our letters from the Portable North Pole. Hung our Santa Key on the front door. Set out our notes and cookies, carrots and milk.

And, most importantly, wrapped up by the fire and read the Christmas story.
Now, if the boys can ever get their eyes to close. I sooooo LOVE this!

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