Wednesday, April 28, 2010


is that even a word?

If not, it should be because that would be the perfect adjective to describe my last folly.

Or maybe I should say "fally"

or even better, "fally outty".

I didn't think I would share it with the world, but you know......what the hey? Sharing laughter at my expense......oh, I've done it before. And, maybe writing it with be cathartic?


Or, probably just stupid.

Grab some popcorn.

No, don't do that! Because you will probably choke and I would feel realllllllly bad if that happened on my account.

Just don't eat or drink anything at this point and read on.......

At the end of a session last night, I stepped on the front of my dress (strapless maxi LONG dress with a cardigan - STUPID, STUPID, STUPID) - which caused me to fall forward pulling my stinkin' dress down.

To my waist.

With expensive camera and lens in hand. So what's a girl to do?

Cover up (although dress was then caught in the rainboots as I was in weeds) and I really couldn't tell which direction I would land or what was happening down at my feet

or protect camera?

I chose the later and that ended the session.

I will never recover.

Nor will they.

Much worse than the car wash story.

I hope those laughs adds years to your life because they took them from mine.

For tonight's session, I will be sporting a turtleneck.


Unknown said...

I have said it a million times, those dresses are an accident waiting to happen! Just more confirmation for me not to buy one no matter how cute they are! Thank you for making me laugh so hard. I needed that! Your the best! Love you!

Mom2Three said...

I am still laughing at this!! I "giggled" every few moments after you called, Eric thought I was crazy! Then when I seen you this morning, I giggled again!! Bless your heart girl, your book will be a best seller one day! And I just bought one of those dresses yesterday!