Saturday, April 24, 2010

{back to the basics}

I've had a couple not-feeling-so-great-days. I hate it when that happens. It's not that I have time (especially right now) to curl up like I feel like doing. I never enjoy not feeling well. But, not feeling well with a looming deadline(s) regardless of how one feels = not a great thing!
But, some things just had to get finished. Like the lawn.
It was getting scary out there!
Well, I loaded up on medication and got...ahhh....about 1/4 of the way through. Front yard only really. How many acres is this place anyway? I am certain I was not the one who sketched out the boundaries when we built.
Surely not. ;)
I hear people complain about mowing their lawn. I absolutely adore it and haven't done it too often since Noah came along. Because, Scott took over, then, the wreck happened, my FIL took over, then, my brother, and eventually hired it done. That's a big expense.
With the pending changes, I am taking over. I'll be out there with the big hat on (a cute one), long sleeves and sunscreen. Long gone are the days when I mowed just to tan.
Okay, I may be jumping the gun a bit because I haven't even officially finished it once yet - but, I loved it! It's a great time to think. And, yes, I was on a rider (my FIL's) - so no effort was involved. Just time, a sweet smell of grass and a loud hum.
I solved most of the world's problems.
Yes, I did.
Also, just for the record, our yard is a muddy mess. I'm not sure what triggered it? My brother's wedding? The fact work desperately needed done? But, we have brought soil in, need sod, need grass seed. Maybe by fall it will be finished?
Latest endeavor: a rose garden. We'll see?

1 comment:

Sherry Drennan said...

Call me crazy but I enjoy mowing. I also solve a lot of problems while I mow. Maybe it's the hum or the vibration but I find it relaxing!