Friday, April 9, 2010

{Date Night}

was wonderful! Thank you FBG for investing so much into our marriages and families! It was a great night of wonderful food (HG you totally missed out as it was catered by Gregory's! AND Scott and I won a round 2 date night gift certificate to have dinner there ;), incredibly fun music, a great speaker and wonderful company {date included:}.

It truly was a fun evening. And, as I do at weddings I got mesmerized. However, instead of it being by a certain couple, it was of a certain table. Likely all into their 60's and 70's. I honestly sat there and "studied" them. And, here are some of the notes I took.....the eldest couple (70's) really captivated me. I noticed how when the drawing for the "Honeymoon Suite" was being announced they "snuggled" and giggled. I giggled just watching them. I noticed how he sat for a full minute and just gazed at her with a sweet little smile on his face. He said nothing. I noticed how she took extra time to "be pretty" for him. AND, she was so much more accessorized than I was. But, not in a "granny way" but in a very tasteful way. It was obvious that she was on a date with her sweetheart! They.held.hands. It was so sweet to think that those hands have changed a lot through the years. I also knew that they obviously had years of ups and down, but the ups won out. They are finishing strong. And, they chose to do so; it is no accident. It was beautiful!

Some notes from tonight: date your mate! Make it a point to kiss every single day. Tell each other (with sincerity) at least three times a day how much you love each other.


K: keep doing what you are doing. Obviously, we were all on a date. Absolutely keep dating.
I: invest in each other by doing something the other likes. Even if it is spending forever in a Bass Pro Shop! :)
S: spend couple time alone. Make it a priority.
S: share with others the value of having a good marriage. It is worth it!


Sherry Drennan said...

So precious, thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder!~sherry

Unknown said...

Oh I am so glad y'all got to go! James was gone so we had to miss :(. I loved your post it brought tears to my eyes!!

SheWolf said...

How fun! Richie and I went on our first "date" overnight weekend last night for our anniversary and it was so awesome! I love how you study people....I do that, too. I love to analyze expressions, gestures, etc. You can really learn a lot about people by how they communicate non-verbally. And thanks for sharing the high points of the evening--good things to keep in mind!
What a fun evening for you!