Thursday, April 29, 2010

{big step}

It is done! Although I gave my notice at work yesterday, the attorney I needed to speak with was out. Everything was so sweet today when I received her response, I cried like a baby. Very, very professional of me, I know.
I have no doubt that I am doing the right thing. My family comes first and no matter how hard I've tried, I simply cannot juggle it all anymore. They absolutely do not deserve my left overs. Although, some of the insurance details are still up in the air, it will get worked out as well - we just have to jump through a few more hoops than most. This is where the trust and faith comes to play in a HUGE way.
So, as of today I will be either unemployed or self-employed. Not sure which yet? I have offered an extended notice as my role is not one where it is easy to walk away with a good conscience in a matter of two weeks. My heart has to have all of my files in good order to turn over. And, I have offered to continue in the role of a contract consultant if that need arises for them, as I did when I first started with the firm.
Very bittersweet! I feel like a huge load has been lifted and am happy with the changes it will bring for our family. On the flip side, the firm has been an incredible blessing for me and our family as they have been amazing to work for and with. So we shall see where this path leads.........


mom of 3 e's said...


Unknown said...

Yea, I know you are so relieved! You did the right thing!