Monday, January 11, 2010


ok, i've jumped back on the band wagon. at least by my toes. my stock pile is dwindling rather quickly at this point.

today, for about 20 minutes online - and very quick in and out shopping trips i saved...

$10.50 at Sam's straight off at the check-out with that new program (name??) i know, i know - sam's is a bit controversial - but, i swear that we save a ton by buying certain staples as long as i do not buy things that are not on my list. that's the difficult part. and, they have a new program of preferred savings...for example on a 36 roll (that equates to 72 rolls) of charmin after an instant $5 off at the check-out, i paid $12+. I had three items that netted the $10.50. At WM, I checked and a 12 roll of the exact same type (that equates to 24 rolls) was $12+. So, I think that was a pretty decent savings. $24 to be exact, just on the single item. ;)

$31.52 at Wal-Greens + 4.25 in RR for the next trip

$7 at Wal-mart

So, a little over $50 for 20 minutes online and Wal-greens was the only trip that was not on the agenda today - I would have been at Sam's and WM regardless. And, Noah and I were literally in and out of WG's in about 10 minutes. So, not bad for 30minutes. And, with a quick guesstimation, I would think I saved at least another $75 in the bulk savings from Sam's. And, it was on all items I would have bought anyway that typically does not catch big sales....downy, charmin, oatmeal, caprisuns, bacon, etc....

I've decided I am going to put the savings in a separate savings account deemed for summer vacation. $125 to be deposited tomorrow. ;)

I will never be as good as Erin....but, every little bit helps! Will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Sounds like you had a great day! The separate savings acct is a great idea. I don't know if I can be that good :) I do love finding a good bargain!