Sunday, November 23, 2008


we are definitely firing our tooth fairy! you know, she's not been up on her duties from the very first lost tooth...what was that? she had to fly to the ATM at 9 pm? on several occasions she failed to put $ under the pillow, but, redeemed herself within her 24-hour grace period. remember the near-broken toe incident? well, i do! well......noah lost another tooth a couple weeks ago. she earned her keep on that tooth. left a $5 bill under HIS pillow (this time) and the tooth was gone. or, so we thought. about four days ago....noah came running to me as guess what he found on the floor? imagine that? he was very concerned because he could not decide if she dropped it out of her pouch (didn't know tooth fairies had pouches, but obviously, there is alot i do not know) or if she intended to leave it for me as he knows it makes me sad when he loses them. hmmmm......i was so dumbfounded (aka caught) i failed to come up with a quick answer, thus a phone call to dr. aunt angie, because they are very, very good friends.

so, the jury is still out on that one. obviously when she stuck it in another pillow case for retrieval.......she forgot. nice. and, how in the world am i suppose to keep up with santa?

1 comment:

Tonia Hobbs said...

You know what is so so funny! My kids have understood from the get-go that the Tooth Fairy is off on the weekends. . .because she didnt show one Saturday night.