Saturday, November 22, 2008

{my head is still spinning}

i had one of those days yesterday. you can link up to my best friend's new blog PolkadotsandKisses as i can't bear to relive it again. let's just say it led to three trips to Fort Smith in a short span of time. leave it to me.

but, she also mentioned our "find for the day"....... remember this little guy i posted about last year... i got the picture from the internet...... does not do it justice

i had intended to order him long before now, but, he was one of the first things i ran into at holiday market. he is better than expected!!! the story is so sweet and what a fun family tradition. the abbreviated version is that he arrive to your house (thanksgiving night) you read the sweet little book to the family, name him and he will reside with your family throughout the day, he flies back to the northpole at night while the children are sleeping and reports the "good and bad" to santa. the fun thing is, he "lands" in a different spot every morning, so the children will have to get up and find him. they cannot touch him because if so....the his magic will be gone. just great great fun for the kids! and, i'm thinking mom and dad too! i'm so excited i can hardly stand it.

they are actually here locally at creative kitchen in fort smith. they are priced lower or as well as they are online, but, without shipping.

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