Wednesday, June 22, 2011

{o' happy, happy, happy day!}

There is a part of summer that I painfully dread.

Our "reaclamation period."

The "getting used to being around each other 24/7" along
with the "I'm bored" syndrome.   I do not tolerate either very
well, but, since Noah's five-year school career, I've come to
expect it.  Usually it takes about 2-3 weeks.  Today was
our breakthrough day!  I didn't have to disrupt one argument
or fuss, get on to either, or give them a list of things to keep busy with.

A beautiful day!

They have played wonderfully together and alone.  Found their
own activities.  No tears in the pool today.  And, as I type this
they are giggling together in the kitchen making things out of clay. 

I know, tomorrow is another day!

But, I'm hoping!

1 comment:

meeksmiles33 said...

Love love love that picture of the boys!!!!