Wednesday, April 20, 2011

{tucking in for the night}

ALOT of activity around here tonight.

My session wanted to wait due to the rain that moved through.  She didn't think
her two year old would be too fond of the mud; or maybe he would? So, we
rescheduled that. 

Yesterday, I tried to make a quick sweep around the yard to mow. It didn't last long
as I got BARB-WIRE wrapped around the blades.  Not a good thing.  A friend here
tonight to work on that.

After a little research, decided to move the chicks to their nice abode. 
They are HAPPY chicks!   They are not sure what to do with all of that
room, so after they checked it out for a bit, they do what they've been
doing for weeks now.........snuggled.  So sweet.  Their sounds are changing and 
when I went back to refill their water, they were all nestled together almost purring. 

Then one, tried to fly out! 

I know I warned myself not to name them.  But, it's hard not to.  The one below with the hair on top all crazy is Phyllis.  She reminds me of someone. ;)

 The black one below is one of my very favorites, a bantam black silkie.  I'm thinking he may be a rooster though?

 They were actually being pretty polite around the water bowl.

 Our one and only Rhode Island Red.

Oh, and we had a little rip sticking going on in the middle of everything. 

Notice the ferns! 

It's always a happy, happy day the day I bring those home every year.

You can see that the coop is a little down hill.  However, the big tractor next to
it gives a better perspective on its size. 

These ferns are HUGE!! {southerlands}

And, I finally replaced the dead mums.  I went pink this year. 

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