Wednesday, April 6, 2011

{in my rearview mirror}

*i finished a law firm project {FINALLY!}
*i am still "on call" for them, i have a fear my phone will ring tomorrow. 
*and friday.
*i had the house to myself today.  well, molly and i.
*my radio blared.  and, my windows were open.
*took the boys for treats after school:  pizza and braum's ice cream.
*treats for me too. 
*and six new chicks.
*seriously, what is wrong with me??
*but, they are the cutest things ever.  don't even know what they are??
*played in the garden tonight. bliss again. 
*planted more zinnias, bulb onions, pepper plants, a pretty bush of
some-sort {i knew the name, but cannot think of it at the moment}, reworked
some romaine lettuce, planted 26 tomato plants.
*tired.  but, a good tired.
*smiled alot while out there tonight thinking of my grandma and grandpa
{different sides of the family} and how hard they worked and how much
they loved their gardens.  i get it.  :)   

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