Tuesday, February 1, 2011

{a caged mama bear}

is how I'm feeling about now.

Noah did not deal with much besides fever and a cough from Saturday until
yesterday afternoon, then he took a nose-dive in just how he felt.  It was bad.

About 5 am he woke me up screaming for me.  And when I say screaming, I mean s.c.r.e.a.m.i.n.g.  My feet hit the ground before I was even aware of anything
besides what I was hearing - how I made it to his room,
I have no idea.  In bed,  he was grabbing his head {literally
about scared me to death} and immediately started vomiting.  It's not good to be
a nurse in these moments, although it was entirely flu-related, your brain
can't help but do a quick neuro assessment. 

He was miserable.  I felt a "rattle" in his chest as he was throwing up and of
course my stethoscope completely failed to work.  Even though  he started coughing
 and it cleared but not knowing how hard we would be hit by the weather....I decided to
 try and beat it by making it to the MD.   

I go back to my room and find Evan there, sleeping completely upside down in our bed; he was on fire - victim #2. He could not even get Motrin down, let alone keep it down,  due to that mighty gag reflex he has.  So, it was then my mad dash started to get us out the door by 7:30 and at the walk-in by 8 am.  

They were miserable. The sleet was starting.  Evan slept, Noah groaned and cried.  Evan would wake for a few minutes and join the crying.   We arrived and clinic was closed due to weather.  Nice.  I went to the other clinic, but by then had decided to take them
back home as the radar looked like we would be in the clear fairly shortly {thank goodness
for smart phones}.  I wouldn't feel as trapped if I needed antibiotics. So, I stuck it in 4-wheel drive and headed home with two sleeping boys.  Noah is still sleeping.  Evan is moving a little more than he was but has a horrible headache, fever and nausea - a little cough is starting.       

It was a very strange feeling, the fear of needing to get to a physician with the possibility of not being able to.  Maybe I will take that for granted less than I do now.  I know there are mothers everywhere who face that dilemma daily, not just for fear of a winter storm. 

Now, to go love on my babies!! 

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