Thursday, December 4, 2008


say some prayers for scott. it seems that his better days are getting fewer and fewer. yesterday, they placed him on a new medication with a warning of the side effects. he can barely even walk a straight line right now, his speech is slurred, his vision is messed up and his head STILL hurts. i pulled him out of the house this morning because he is literally knocked out on the new medication and will likely be for a few more weeks. then, the side effects are suppose to level out again. so between now and christmas, between he and the boys - we have eight MD appointments WITHOUT anyone actually being ill.

i'm just sad for him. i am worried that thanksgiving somewhat spurred all of this on. if his head is not killing him, he is asleep and then if it is, he tries to sleep. i just desperately want him to enjoy christmas. the boys and I miss him!

rewind button anyone?


Philip said...

Lord, I pray for Scott. You know his every need. I just pray that you would allow him to be able to enjoy and celebrate Christmas with his family. Lord, just give a special blessing to this family. Amen.

Mischelle Coston said...

We're praying. You are such a strong family to endure the things you do.