Monday, February 8, 2010

{i resisted}

I did get these, if only I kept one pair for an hour or so. ;) But, I am always wearing crazy, ridiculous heels to photograph weddings and then I change into comfy flats for the receptions. So, I am always on the lookout. Well, I bought these the other day at Payless as they had their BOGO 1/2 off sale. Cute and mid-range comfy......

Now the bottom pair, I wore about 30 minutes as I ran and dropped my mom home and then stopped in at my brother's house for a bit. Well, my sweet neice B spied them and liked them too. Let's just say I went home in the winter cold wearing a pair of her flip-flops that night! And, had a near miss on Saturday as she spotted the top shoes.....I had no shoes to go home in from the gym....but apparently she didn't like those too much as I left in them. :) The girl knows she can just give me a wink and she can have what is mine! Love her~

And, above, I love, love, love this! I have several similar, but I like the mixed metals on this one. Actually put it in my cart - but removed it. And, would have changed the mommy for a W. But, cute!
It's funny because I am not an accessory girl. However, my friends ARE, I notice that. And, I've actually lived with that for years with Angela because I'm not sure she ever leaves home without them. Even in her cute ball caps - she is accessorized. But, me - it's pretty much only the wedding ring by nature. But, the girls have been rubbing off on me, I'm trying at least. I have a jewelry box full, I think I just forget. Actually, I'm lucky most days to get out of the house with both of my kiddos, let alone accessories. I guess they are my accessories. ;)
Nothing else to report - can you tell I am tired, tired, tired of typing a report. I am wandering in a big way!


Unknown said...

I need that necklace where did you find it?

Shannon said...

I love the "need" ;) I will look it up and send it to you. :)