Sunday, February 14, 2010

{proud mommy!}

Whew! He made it!

Evan has enjoyed his first season of Upward Basketball more and more with each game. It was very sad to see him so overwhelmed with all of it during the first several games, but made my heart so full to see him catching on and trying so hard as we made it through the season. We had a big task to reach before the end of season - make a basket.

He has the sweetest coach in the fact that he strived so hard to help them make at least one basket - as much as he could without actually lifting them to the basket. Evan was the only one left and has been his focus over the past several games. Despite so many attempts - they all fell short. He was becoming very discouraged and my heart was breaking - but of course, continued to encourage and cheer him on!

But yesterday after two back to back games, although he was very tired, he made it! Our little section went wild as it didn't take long for everyone (including the opposing team) to catch on to how big of a deal this was. We were all on our feet and I don't think his feet ever touched the ground the rest of the day. I didn't get a picture of it, but thankfully we got it on video.

How sweet it was!

Warming up! I got chastised last week because he didn' t get to warm up long enough (per E)

The BIG entrance! They love this! Still missing our other little E - so happy he is out of the cast but sad he missed the season. They announced him yesterday anyway. :)
Just before the game. Notice - he takes it all in. He has become very serious about basketball.

Sweet preschool friend Deacon! They should not be this big!

Do ya think we need a hair cut? (I hope this makes Aunt J smile)

So proud of you sweet boy!!!!

1 comment:

Sherry Drennan said...

Awww! I'm so excited for E! Wish we had been there to see the basket. We have one little boy on our team that we are still holding out for a basket. I love the flying hair pix!!