Friday, February 26, 2010

{i love these guys!}

N has definitely been blessed with some great friends; and we have been blessed with their parents. Truly. Last Friday night after some craziness on my part re: pick-ups, I brought a vehicle full of little guys home to celebrate N's 9th birthday. Although the guys in charge of the hay bales ran out of time and I didn't get the forts I had planned.......I don't think it phased the boys. In fact, they rearranged them so many times it wouldn't have mattered! :) And, I was right in the middle of the fights, even though my pink can of silly string got snatched from me and turned on me. It isn't suppose to work like that? Honestly, I was so sore by the next afternoon I could barely walk.

Seriously, is N praying before we started? :)

I promise, no one got hurt. Thank you GOD! We tend to have a track record for injuries when we get together like this in groups. I guess that is how it works with boys?!?

Rearranging, tearing down, and building.....

I love this one of sweet T! He had already had a rough day at school with a mishap on the playground. So happy he was still able to come!

It didn't slow him down any!

Running for his life! :)

Noah had confiscated the bag of nerf bullets above. Bad move. ;)

 you think they are plotting?

To the moms & dads - thank you so much! N had a great time. It is very bittersweet to see these boys that just yesterday were swinging their bats at t-ball practice for the first time. They are all growing into sweet young men. They are always a joy to have around and although I may cringe when I hear......."yes, ma'm" (really, am I a ma'm already???) they are really great little boys!
And, who would have thought? Hay bales from the barn, a few cans of silly string and nerf guns could have yielded so much fun. Note to self: it doesn't take "elaborate" for little guys! :)


Sherry Drennan said...

So wonderful! My boys have had several Nerf gun parties and it's always a huge hit. It rained last year so we had to do it inside. Whew, that was fun!

Unknown said...

Thank you for having them. Mine had a ball!!!

Tonia Hobbs said...

So much fun! Those pictures are full of energy and life! Thank you for sharing AND for inviting Clayton.

Mom2Three said...

Thank You for having Tristan. He enjoyed it so much. This is a great idea for them to let off steam, I love it!