Monday, January 7, 2013

{what is worse than....}

feeling very happy that the first day back to school is
going without a hitch.  As you are on your way out the door to start the
car to warm it up because we are actually ahead of schedule -
your youngest screams {bloody murder, I might add} that it is 7:53. 
You calmly correct him in the fact that no, it is 6:53.  But, your heart starts
 sinking fast as you race to the clock.  Yes, whew, 6:53!  Then all subsequent clocks
 you check {all SIX} scream 7:53 am at you.  Then laugh.  T

The clocks, not me.

No laughs from us.
The race was on!  Evan was quite upset as was Noah {which never happens
to Mr. Laid Back} - well it did this morning.   I still have NO idea
how it happened.  I guess that little extra pep in my step this morning
was actually an extra hour in my sleep.  Does not make for a
calm start to the day.
But, again, back to my original question.....
what is worst than the above?
Continuing to base your day around that same clock
and nearly failing to pick up your children on time, but
almost picking them up an hour late. 
Thank God I realized it with minutes to spare in getting on the road.
And, yes, I have corrected it. ;)  

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