Wednesday, January 9, 2013

{beach days}

I have twelve on my calendar.
One per month.
 Interesting, huh?
Well, anyone that knows me, knows that
next to being at home and on the farm - my favorite
place on the planet is the beach. 
Preferably of the Gulf Coast or Caribbean variety,
not a fan of the western US beaches.  Sorry, but true.
I need warmth.  And, the white sand is nice too!
Because that is one place that relaxes me like no other.
Well, when I'm not working there which is an entirely different
post - BUT, I just love it so much!!
Obviously, I won't be going to the beach once a month for the
next year.   And, really, I tried to come up with a cute name for
this, but kept reverting back to the "feeling" I have when I am
in the sand.  It truly is my heaven on earth. 
The point of all of this is to start acting on an idea that my sweet friend
gave me a while back. I think she had heard someone talk about
something similiar at a  retreat or meeting.  Not the name, but
the idea and practice.   I instantly knew
I needed just that.   Thus, my once a month beach day has
been put on my calendar.   And, no, I won't be listening
to the Beach Boys and pulling out the umbrella straws. 
But, possibly the flip flops in a couple months. ;)
Basically, it is my "be still" day. 
It will truly be a quick shower and pony tail kind-of
day.  I plan on doing absolutely NOTHING but to sink
and soak up His word, listen to His music, pray, plan
and read.  I literally want to bask in Him and His goodness  It's kind-of a set aside Sabbath of sorts.   
I went through and diligently marked off one day
a month for just this.  There will be no work, no shopping,
no housework.   Just the necessities only - feeding the kiddos,
the hubby {and the animals.}   I literally am counting down the
days until my first day.  I am excited to see
what this special time set aside will turn into and
what I will hide in my heart because of. 
Be still and know that I am God.
Psalms 46:10

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