Wednesday, April 8, 2009

{one more thing....}

yeah, right? i forgot to mention in my bullet-point update about the doorbell ringing at 10:03 pm last night. never a good thing. especially as you walk to the door you see flashlights. and, then uniforms. not a good thing at all.

well, in what could have been a very bad thing, turned out okay, not great, but it could have been much worse. a large cargo truck flipped off the highway. the man was safe thankfully, our fence was not. and, when you have cows in that field. a really bad thing. so, fence fixing for my poor father-in-law at midnight. no fun!

1 comment:

Philip said...

Yes, no one likes those doorbells late at night. I remember one time someone rang our doorbell at 1:30 am...a man said he needed help. He was drunk...I called and got the help he needed.