Thursday, February 19, 2009

{the funnies}

On our way home from Little Rock Tuesday, we stopped to eat in Conway. Evan needed very bland food due to his recent stomach upset. So, against his pleas for french fries - I ordered plain mashed potatoes. Plain as in no gravy, I did not require that they simply be boiled and served. I am not that mean of a mama. He sulked up for a bit and begged for a french fry from his Mimi's plate. I allowed him to have one. He took a very few small bites because at that point, even he was scared to death of what food could do to him. Finally, I convinced him to try the mashed potatoes. He finally gave in against his will. Immediately, his eyes got woozy - it was love at first bite. Truly, the child swooned with each bite. He defined and illustrated the word s-a-v-o-r. And, along the story line of Tonia's recent post he informed me that "dese potatoes are much more gooder than yours. You NEED dis recipe! Mommy we neeeeeeeeeed to go to Walmart and buy DIS recipe!" Very cute, even if it was in front of the in-laws and yielded the impression that I could not cook. So what? He was in solid-food heaven. I love the resturant that we were in, but, could they really be THAT good especially in comparison to the pounds of butter, half and half and cream cheese that I mash a few potatoes in? So, I snuck a bite. YUCK! I was shocked. Completely bland. Which was probably a HUGE blessing since we were still hours away from home.

But, seriously, better than my recipe that I did not buy from Walmart? Poor child thinks everything comes from Walmart. Another story for another day.

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