Monday, November 16, 2009

{about to cry!}

I am absolutely devastated as I am terrified Scott has the flu. Against all odds, I am praying so hard for something else, something very short-lived. It broke my heart to have to make a call to postpone a newborn session I had for tomorrow. I really do want to cry about that alone as it has been the highlight of my week and was soooo looking forward to it.

It should not be surprising me though.

Today, I got a funny message from a friend/client. I guess she was a client, but is now a friend? Anyway, met her through the photography. But, she was concerned because she had called me last week and I had referred the call to Angela - well, something happened and she never heard from either of us. She tends to get VERY paranoid. So, today, in her VERY bubbly voice, she wanted to know what she had done to make me mad, she was "fretting" she said, and she was actually hoping she had made me mad because she was not even going to think something "bad" had happened. Because you know me, I never have those dark clouds looming! ;)

I immediately phoned her back and filled her in on the events of the last two weeks with Noah. Near the end of the conversation she sweetly said, "shannon, I just don't understand all this stuff. I mean, we had the flu- but it was over in like three days. You know, you remind me of that guy in the Bible, you know the one that all those bad things kept happening to.........gee, what was his name? John the Baptist?"

My reply, well, yes a very bad thing did happen to him, he had his head cut off and served on platter, but, I don't think he's the one your talking about.

She goes on......."oh, yeah it's not him, it's that other guy....what is his name? Peter???!! That's it, Peter!"

My reply, "well, I don't think he's the one either, but, he was crucified with his head down.

She was so exsaperated at this point, I'm not sure she even heard me say Job.

I will THANKFULLY never compare myself to any of them. Rough days, yes. Being a marytr, being murdered and having to suffer beyond words. No comparison, thank God.

At the time it was pretty funny. That was until I knew I had to make the call to the sweet mama I had so looked forward to seeing tomorrow. And, now I'm just sitting here in a stupor trying to even grasp that we may possibly not be past the flu at this point.


Tonia Hobbs said...

Job. It was Job she was thinking of. He battled whatever God allowed to come his way, but remained faithful to God. . .
I think that was him.

Praying for you. I got your message today. . . could go on and on about what you called about, but cant on here. . . we'll talk later. Love ya, friend.

Unknown said...

I just took Peyton to the Dr. and saw Scott. I hope he is ok and it isn't the flu. We have strep throat now so we are going through all the illnesses one at a time over here too. I am so glad Noah is better. Braxton said they all ran up and gave him a hug a recess when he came back!! I hope that made him feel better.