Tuesday, November 24, 2009


well, i almost threw one this morning! but, i didn't. although it was difficult not to...for a moment at least.

but, for the first time since scott and I built our home, we will not be having thanksgiving here. in fact, all 35-40+ family and friends that are normally here, will not be here. they will now be scattered.

it will just be the four of us.

evan is still just too sick. we do not want to expose anyone but, also...instead of me being in a frenzy of work + cleaning + shopping + cleaning + cooking + cleaning...he needs ME. and, me he will have. we will definitely miss our family and friends who we will not get to see and visit with...(that is particularly thinking of you uncle gib!)

so, a party of four. and, i have no pity for us, because we will be cozy and snuggled up! and, we will not be lacking in the thanksgiving dinner department...the food will be served, just on a much smaller scale! :) i have a feeling...it may just turn out to be the best ever.

we have alot to be thankful for........

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