Wednesday, April 4, 2012

{oh, how i love them}

Another summer off from sports. 
I always question it as everyone else seems to be
participating in something, but, mine had rather run around
and play here at the farm. Well, having friends over to run around
and play here at the farm is the perfect situation.

But, I feel like that season for us will be coming to a halt.
This may be that last, free summer for many years to come as
lil' man has been counting down the days {almost literally} until
3rd grade football.  Camp would be next summer. 

We were talking about that on the drive to school this morning
and he loved the idea of camp but was a little baffled about
his summer.  Initially his response was.....

"Yay, my favorite sport is athletics".


I about drove off the road on that one.

Noah tried to negotiate not having Evan start until
4th grade. I think he about had him convinced and
then quick kisses were given to daddy & I,
the back door opened, & they raced out to start their day.

:)  . 

I'm looking forward to the conversation on the way home.

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