Tuesday, October 13, 2009


in case my son noah informed any of your children on the playground last week that he had detention. well....he didn't. he thought he did because he had to pull a card. that in and of itself about caused him to stroke. so, apparently, he spent his entire recess thinking he had detention. then, he panicked because he didn't know where to go for detention. he asked a teacher and she explained because his teacher had not given him instructions on how to fulfill his feared detention requirement, she assured him he was probably safe in assuming he really didn't have it. well, he fretted all night. went to teacher #2 the next day as soon as he could because by then he thought he would be having detention (he was still very unsure as to what that actually meant) PLUS whatever comes along with the absolute worst offense (principal?) since he was certain he had skipped it the day prior?? she explained to him, he was safe. she had not assigned that fate to him.

poor guy. he wasn't even relieved because he had himself so worked up.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering where you got the plaque in the bathroom--look forward to each day--so cute!

Shannon said...

Thanks! I got it from www.gloryhaus.com

Love their stuff!