Tuesday, December 22, 2009

{a forever memory}

copy and paste these links to your browser one at a time.....

make certain your little ones are not around



it will take about 7-10 minutes per child to set up. i will never forget the look in their eyes. it was more magical than last year. evan even got teary! which made me get teary too!

and, definitely upload the pictures if you can.

at one point i heard evan mutter......"thank you for this moment". his eyes were as big as i've ever seen them.

i used my cell phone and called our home phone. in front of the boys i acted as though it was a call from the north pole and somehow they had not received letters from the boys this year. they were very concerned as they had always received them in the years past. BUT...it was too late to send another one. she asked for our email address. i hung up the phone and explained it more to the boys. they were almost distraught.

i had minimized the screens for each one and while they were minimized, i pulled up my email where they could see that and then i pulled up one of the screens and they had no clue they had not come from my email. you probably actually get an email that links - but, i wanted to make certain i didn't fumble around.

it was priceless. and, i will say - even i can't figure out how they do all of it!!! it MUST be christmas magic. :)

and, tonight i've somewhat gone through the motions as my heart is so sad over jill. and, in a weird way in the middle of the "guilt" that i am here healthy with my family......it is such a big reminder that every moment counts. so, i started making new memories with my precious boys.

to set up your own go to: http://portablenorthpole.tv/home


Erin said...

I did this earlier this week and my boys LOVED it!! Evan especially. I'm afraid Blake is just "playing along" and not really believing any more. But, he's not willing to admit it yet!

Tonia Hobbs said...

Thank you for the links! I know what you mean about Jill. . . I keep thinking of the Kinslows. . . but then I am reminded of the miracle that the Ames Family has had in her family. Maybe it's just part of getting older!!! It's not all fun and magic. . . reality of pain and hurt still lingers in the back of our minds.
I love you so much Shannon. Thank you for being such a blessing to me and my family.

Merry, Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful time with your boys.