Monday, September 6, 2010

{struggling here}

I have been in a constant struggle all weekend, but particularly today.

The domestic side is trying to squash the working girl.

Deadlines for trial are looming in a monstrous way....BUT I want to work in the yard {did that a tad}, plant for fall, bake {did that too by way of spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing - Evan was be-YOND excited}, clean out closets, actually finish the laundry, bathe the dog, dust; not to mention roll around in the floor with the boys, read a book in the tree house, pack lunches for tomorrow.

It's almost primal. Crazy!!

I have fought it and lost off and on all day.

But now I'm off to shower the grass out of my hair so I can exchange records with our other nurse in GW. I have a feeling I will be fighting it all.night.long.

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