Monday, May 17, 2010

{Thank You!}

We are home, the boys are picked up and settled, and we're tired! ha!

But, the frantic pace of the day was so worth it as we got great news. That pesky tumor is still sitting there even though Scott kept telling Dr. Al Mefty that he knows it is going to disappear. He really does not know how to take Scott. Nor do any of the rest of us for that matter! JK, Honey! And, honestly, it can just continue to sit it grew very little. We were very happy with the news.

Bad news: Dr. Al Mefty is leaving Little Rock and relocating to Boston. He has a surgery there TOMORROW. But, his final move will be in a month. It is a HUGE loss for Arkansas, and we were very saddened to hear that. He stressed to us the importance of the continual follow-ups of the progression either with him or another one of his LR Associates. We will very likely be traveling to Boston yearly due to the involvement of the head injury issues. Otherwise, we may have considered follow-ups in LR until (IF) surgery is needed and then transfer to Boston. But, for now we feel most comfortable staying with Dr. A.

And, a very sincere thank you to everyone for their texts today! It was amazing. It was another reminder to me, myself and I to call our church prayer pagers as often as I think about it. It was such a HUGE uplift to us all the way there and all the way back. They didn't all hit at once, but every few miles we would receive another one. It meant the world! Scott teared up several times as I would read them as they came in. So a big, big thanks!

I am very, very happy that I've made it home in time for the 188th although the landing time has changed throughout the day. I'm going to jump in the shower and head up shortly with camera (and, kleenex) in hand.

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