Thursday, May 13, 2010


I did enough blogging yesterday for three weeks. However, I will be back soon to incorporate a post into my journey that led me to making that hard decision regarding work. But, with an overly full day ahead, I wanted to make a quick note about career v. staying home. I pray that was not offensive to anyone. It was not my intention at all. And, in reality - I am still working both at the firm and photography - just on a much scaled back schedule so I can meet the needs of my family more appropriately. And, who knows, if I were back in the position I was when Scott was able to drive, be more involved in our day to day duties, not have so many MD appts, etc.....where I would be regarding work v. staying at home.

Sorry! I just didn't want anyone who works outside the home full time to think I was criticizing that in any manner. Far, far from it! Believe me, I understand fully both loving my family and loving my career and whether that translates into necessity financially or for sanity - either working or not working or in my case, working less - that is a decision that should be supported.

Okay, now that I have very likely jumbled that up even more.......let me share a tidbit of my devotional today. It always AMAZES me!!

I also struggled last night with some of my other posts from yesterday. I was somewhat all over the place in case you didn't notice. A huge part due to the fact I was sick of reading a certain medical record. So, I strayed. ;)

But, I made the posts about the cute clothes I had seen in a catalog. Then, on to the huge decision (for me!) about work. And, then fun family time, etc, etc.... I worried that people would just scratch their head - wondering where I was in my head. I just didn't want to appear "vain" I guess? And, then after a very rough start to our school day that resulted in tears being shed by Noah and my heart being broken as he walked away upset.......

But, here are snippets from my devotional......

"How to Enjoy Your Family" (ha! black eyes for me!)

Prov 31:26 "When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says."

I regrettably failed that in a big way this morning!

Before speaking, ask yourself the following questions.

T is it true
H is it helpful
I is it inspiring
N is it necessary
K is it kind

This next part made me laugh. You know I was worried about putting a post about fun, cute clothes in the midst of everything else I had written. The devotional went on to say...take care of yourself, the Proverbs 31 woman certainly did. "She was energetic. Her
own clothing was beautifully made - a purple gown of pure linen. She is a woman of strength and dignity and has no fear of old age." Prov 31:25 tells us this woman could laugh at the days to come. The picture here is of a woman who enjoyed her life. She worked hard, but she knew how to stop and plant a vineyard. She liked to shop and watched for bargains. (LOVE that!) She liked to look nice, dressing in fine purple linen.

It truly did give me a chuckle. I need to work on this more as my bathroom counter and cabinets are filled with anti-aging goo. I am in yoga pants today and one of Scott's old ratty t-shirts - so, no fine purple linen for me!

God does have a sense of humor without a doubt! :)

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