Saturday, December 6, 2008

{bunnies - day two}

The night, besides being long with me up and down checking on them - went well. Apparently mother rabbits have very poor, very limited instinct. It is not maternal even at that. They will only nurse them about 5 minutes, once a day. There is no cuddling, no loving, nothing in that manner. That must be why rabbits multiple like they do, chances of survival are not the greatest. At one point, I had heart failure. Scarlet does not seem to mind having Scott and I around, but, the boys, even though quite seem to disturb here. At one point she started "digging" frantically in the nest area. Babies went a' flyin'. All were screaming - you can imagine. Then, she settled down. She did not seem to like the heat coming from under the nest per heat lamp in combination with the boys. But, I was very happy to see in the early morning hours that she had pulled quite the amount of hair and is keeping them covered herself. That's a good sign.
Pardon the picture quality, I did not want to use a flash, so I had my ISO extremely high and was trying not to disturb her to much. So, quick shot of Day 2.

The pics are in reverse order. I haven't figured out this blogger upload yet. But, the 2nd picture is how I found them, the first is with me quickly removing their covering. She was busy last night.

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