Thursday, May 5, 2011

{beauty find}


Not to be disrespectful by ANY means, but prior to purchasing this
one reviewer simply commented "Holy, yes!"

Not that I would ever put holy in the same sentence as hairspray, but, if
you were using Aqua-Net as a main staple to your beauty routine in the
80' may have a unique understanding as to why she described
it in that manner.  Maybe??

But, seriously.....this will be one of my all time favorite finds. 

And, let me add a disclaimer.   This works WONDERS for me.  But,
I have a massive amount of hair despite sweet Amber thinning it out for me.
That massive amount of hair is very thick.   It has just enough curl in it
to make living in the south almost unbearable in the summer.  I become
a growing {yes, my hair grows "out" throughout the day in humidity} into a
frizz ball in a big way [no pun intended]}   So, Aqua-Net was my cement
stand-by  in my teens and early twenties.  I actually  have
true concerns over the possible lung damage Ang and I did to
anyone under the roof during that time period.    Our motto:  if it was not close to touching
the ceiling of our wasn't high enough.  {partially kidding}  I think we met that
goal on Prom Night.  

So, I finally gave up my old stand-by years ago,  and, then I bounced around quite a bit to
whatever was recommended to me.  The vast majority of those purchases
being passed on to my mom as they just didn't work for me.  At all.

Probably the best thing I had found although it KILLED me to pay for it was this. 
I pretty much only used it for special occasions and weddings I would shoot, because
I didn't want it to 'grow' and frizz to the point I would be a distraction!  I'm really not kidding. 
Well, move over expensive hairspray........

Seriously, in my opinion, this has got to be the dupe for the above.  It smells different,
 but, oh my it works the same or BETTER for me.  And, remember, I use this and 
my hair pretty much does not move. It gives me volume that is crazy and makes 
it super-shiny all at the same time.  I don't know that it would work for everyone
{thin hair?} but, it is like spray magic for me.   And, it is soooo inexpensive!! 
It is usually on a lower shelf at Wal-mart and cannot believe I had never tried it before.
Probably, the cheaper price totally threw me off.  But, I'm learning, there
are GREAT drug store products out there that completely rival the big dogs, or
in this case for me...........replace them. 

I am a reformed hairspray snob.

Let me know if you try this and what you think about it!!

Have you tried any of the other 'finds'? 

If, I'm not helping here, I could be blogging about other things

{like my chickens}  KIDDING!

You thought I was going to say kids, huh? :)


Amy said...

When I use hairspray, it is what I use! I love the price and love,love, love how it works on my hair!

SheWolf said...

Thanks for sharing...I was using the Spray and Stay and the $17/can was just making me nauseous...

Jennifer said...

I am so gonna try it!!! My hair definately grows throughout the day!! It totally amazes my husband sometimes!