Monday, November 17, 2008

{true love}

I have been underground lately due to massive amounts of work, sickness for the little guy and I, a husband who has not felt well at all and just the typical busyness we all experience. I actually made myself take some quiet time this morning or it would have been another day lapsing without.

I pulled from my favorite devotional source ( and backtracked trying to catch up a bit. I tend to be a crammer like that.

These are some excerpts from what I read, through my tears.....

I often wished I could travel back 16 years ago (15 for me) and give my "young bride self" some advice. But, since that's not possible, I love sharing what I've learned with others.

Recently, I had dinner with a 28 year-old friend who would love to one day be married. During our time together the conversation flowed freely about all sorts of things. Blogs. Writings. Leaving your comfort zone because God says so. Biscuits. You know, girl stuff. And then we moved to the subject of relatonships and marriage........

To expect another person to make you feel happy, secure and fulfilled will leave you disappointed at best and disillusioned at worse. Even a great husband makes a very poor God. (I LOVE that)

Before the white dress, delicate bouquets, unity candle, bacon wrapped shrimp, and reception punch, there is some heart stuff to consider:

Getting married doesn't make you makes you realize how selfish you can be at times. (I can completely cover that one!)
Getting married doesn't make you feel makes you realize love is more of a decision you make than a feeling you feel. (how true is that?)
Getting married doesn't take away makes you realize true companionship comes not when you demand it but rather when you give it to another person. (wow)

So what does marriage give?
A beautiful chance to make the choice to...
Laugh whether the jokes or not the jokes are funny.
Love folding his collar over this tie every morning.
Pretend like you don't need flowers, but delight when he buys them anyway.
Cheer him on through both failures and successes.
Tell him he's a great man everyday.
Thank God for the privilege of being his wife.

It's alot to think about. Early on in the devotional I had two black eyes because so much of it directly hit me. So much of marriage, or any relationship for that fact, is intentional. Given, at times, our life seems completely turned upside down and in many ways it simply is. But, you know, as hard as some moments can be, as frustrated as I can become.....on the day I said "I do" God knew what was in our future. He knew about the day that would likely forever change our lives. I will be the very first to admit, I do not react the best I can to so much of it. But, I clearly need to be more intentional about that. I am the only one who can make "my" choices.

So, go tell him how great he is!! Even if he just told a horrible joke. ;)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I so needed this today. And I would merely add that sometimes we need to realize the He is enough, even if He never sends us a husband. You helped me to remember that. So thanks!