Friday, July 20, 2012

{favorite summer finds}

I wasn't going to post this considering the significant events of today.
But, I'll come back another time to post my thoughts.
For now, I simply want to duck my head in the sand; and, pray.

I have been planning on sharing some of these fun finds I've found
for weeks now and then decided I shouldn't today.  But, then I rethought
that.  With all that happened today, it almost makes the simple, the
lovely, the little things that make smiles even more significant. 
Today was a reminder to enjoy every second.  So, I'll share
some of that enjoyement. 

My first find that I am absolutely in love with....the boys love it, Evan says it
smells like yummy lemon cupcakes.
Who could not be in love with that, right?

But, I honestly hope that in the days long after I am gone,
that they think of our hours in the kitchen together whenever they
smell this. I know that may sound overly dramatic, but
I have HUGE memory associations with fragrances; so
I am being totally serious with that.

Like I said, it is all about the simple things.

    It is J.R. Watkins natural cleaning products.
You can actually order them from the site, from Amazon
or our Target is now carrying a few items.  They
used to carry their dried spices, but now only carry
the liquid varieties, but their website offers so many things.

LOVE this stuff.  Smells all summer-y.  And,
I love the fact it is nontoxic for the boys and the girls
 {aka, Molly and Savannah}  And, the old-fashioned look
doesn't get lost on me.  I'm a sucker for packaging period, but make
it throw-back and I'm all over it.

This has become a staple.

A lot more items to share!

But, for now, will be praying for our country, our youth
and our Colorado for now. 

Truly truly, God bless!!

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