Wednesday, February 29, 2012

{so ready}

Now that that little {ha!} project is out of the way, I am ready
to exhale.  Way past ready actually.  But, before that, I have a
few days of housekeeping, both literally and figuratively,  to take
care of and get to the mundane.

I love the mundane.  

I know that I've complained a lot about this period of 
time that was suppose to be a few short weeks, would help
out the law firm that has been so good to me as well as us
in the barn endeavor, and basically keep my toes in the game.

Well, that few short weeks stretched from December until
one day shy of March.   It was very hard on me both physically,
emotionally and mentally, as well as Scott and the boys.   That later
part was the most trying.  I gave up a lot of time with family and
friends to see it through.  However, on the flip side with all of the
unforseen crazy expenses that popped up on us, it ended up
being a tremendous blessing.  And, although some days we
may have scraped by with what little time we had - we did
manage.  And we managed to treat the time together very wisely.
I, of course, am keenly aware that time is the component we can't save
or get back, but, in looking back......I think we managed it well.
I definitely 'downsized' and soley gave what I had to those immediately
around me.  So, to my friends and other family members, I have 
a lot of makeup time to do, and am very much looking forward to it.       

It has also reminded me to not take my work from home "jobs"
for granted.   They may get reflective of the movie Ground Hogs
Day....but, there is a definite beauty in all of that.  Something I
am reminded of to be very thankful for.  I am just so stinkin'
excited.   I made it through. Well, almost.  But, it's a miracle
I didn't get sick before now with all that has been swirling around me. 

I'll keep you posted of all of the trouble I get into now. :)  
I have lists and lists of trouble to get into!

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