Saturday, October 8, 2011

{fun night}

we had a great time tonight.

the movie caused tears.  that's a good thing, i guess.

evan told me countless times how much he loved the evening and 
how "perfect" it was.  he was almost giddy. 

noah hung with friends. ;) 

lots of popcorn and candy.

tons of quilts.

a pretty sky full of stars.

wonderful friends and family.

all was good.  

if it doesn't get too cold....our next showing will be cars 2. ;) 

it releases nov 1.  


Tonia Hobbs said...

I hate so bad we missed! Sure hope to be there next time!

Shannon said...

We missed you too! I'm going to try to figure out how to show Cars 2 with my crazy schedule before it gets too cold! Probably Nov 4th. ;)