Thursday, December 23, 2010


{addendum: I added the above after I blogged everything because I accidentally zapped it from the post somehow} So, now that it is first and there is nothing I can do about it...let me just point something out. You know, after all of those "tips" I gave to the girls for to crane and not crane, turtle neck, turn know all the things to make ourselves look a tad thinner on film. Well, what did I manage.........a crane all the way out and still got a turtle neck. So, I'm thinking whatever that nonsurgical ultrasonic gadget I saw the other day on the show Doctors, will definitely be in my future. Or, on my neck. Mercy!} Now to more serious matters.....
Without writing a novel here, let me just say that God knows what He's doing! It just takes a while for us to "get it." As my life took some unexpected turns in the friendship department, I was in the midst of some INCREDIBLE ladies that have blessed me in ways they will never know. I can get teary just thinking of how the road led to them; an amazing blessing that was not realized at the point we all met. They have given and taught me so much about what it means to be a true friend in every sense of the word. I have no doubt that there was no coincidence on the slightest level, but a complete gift from God. I am very, very thankful for each and every one of them!

And, now on to the show......this was our girls Christmas party at Heather's house last Friday night. It was the perfect ending for a very long day for me. Her house.....gorgeous, but she even more {inside and out}. I have not laughed that much in forever, although it did lead to a flare-up of my not so lovely TMJ.
We looking purposely AWAY from the camera as sweat beads broke out on me because the camera was pointed in our direction. Ouch!

Sweet, sweet, sweet Tonia. What can I say?


Ms. Mandi and the coveted snowman that started it all! My boys would live with her if I would allow. {and, come to think of it, they have on many occasions! yikes!}

Awesome & beautiful girls! {I will blog about party #2 at some point today, thanks to girl #2 in the picture below;}

Okay, there was nothing in the punch. BUT....something got into Heather! Love this girl and completely know how funny she is. She can make me laugh like few can, but, wow! She was on a high-energy roll! But, after all, it was her house and her rules. {wink}

Pictures courtesy of Heather and Stacy. {COMPLETELY unbeknownst to them, although the won't be shocked since I'm so good with carrying my camera! geez....}
Another add on: see that sweet little brown and tan pillow to the left of HG? Well. She blogged about some new pillows she got a while back. She totally knows I copycat her. So, I went to Kirklands because I love, loved it! Searched high and low. Gone. When I told her, we figured out that was the one she had purchased years ago. Not likely to find it there. So, everytime I see it, I covet.

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