Friday, February 26, 2010

{home sweet home}

it really is about the little things.

we get to stay home today with the exception of picking up sweet brother from school today at 3. then, it is straight back home. well, with possibly a short trip through sonic.

today: i'm in comfy clothes, working away. i feel MUCH better than i did yesterday. do not know what was up with that? i did take one of my 10 minute power naps and it did help a bit. not like i was hoping. but, i suppose last nights sleep did the trick.

my mom is still sick. scott is still asleep. the dog is asleep. but, i have a cute little guy who allowed me to put clothes on him this morning (it's FREEZING! where are you spring?) who is watching go diego go. he hates that show. but, i have to qualify tv time with something somewhat educational. it irritates him because "mommy, they ask you these questions when they ALREADY know the answers to them".

i've got a hot cup of coffee. and, a glass of sweet tea. the laundry is heavy into it's long, never-ending day.

but, i am home! not in a physician's waiting room praying that the air droplets from the person who sneezed do not make it across the span of the room to me. i am not in an md's office either waiting for md or going through this flare-up of migraines he has had and trying to remember which med to start in 2 weeks, which one to start the week after that, which one I can break in half, which one i need to start at full strength and then back off if he can't stay awake. yep, i got all of that. nor am i sitting in the car for an hour waiting for him to return to the car watching meatballs fall from the sky in an attempt to keep little man occupied.

no, i am at home. yea! and, i do not write any of the above for any other reason than to remind myself that being at home is often a very great thing. and, thinking back on our busy-crazy is never far from my thoughts that it could definitely be worse in so many ways.

just thankful i am home.

the rat race begins again at 6 am tomorrow! :) so i am s-a-v-o-r-i-n-g.......

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