Sunday, September 27, 2009


Since Wednesday night, when the circumstances changed so quickly with sweet Wyatt, I have been in utter shock. I am numb. My heart is broken. And, I do not know what to do for my precious friend except pray. And, praying I have been.

I'm not sure how much sleep I will get tonight because of the dread of tomorrow. I can't even imagine how Jessica and Ryan are tonight. At all. I feel like such a coward because I want to avoid seeing the pain in their eyes tomorrow. This is one of the absolute worst feelings in the world...I feel so helpless.

And, if sleep does not come easily tonight...I will just keep praying. They are going to need so much of it tomorrow and in all the days to come.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:7 NIV

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